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Now you can discover what attracts women to men.

Learn what attracts women to men so you can get her to want you.

And dominate the playing field with an unfair advantage over other guys.

Since not all women are the same you’re about to learn a variety of ways to attract women to you.

There are some things that women are attracted to across the board.

Such as tall men over short men or men with full head of hair over bald.

This example shows what most women find attractive although I guarantee there are some women that would go for a bald man or short guy.

The reason for this could be a lot of factors such as confidence and status.

A quick story about a friend of mine that is 5’5″ tall.

He wears glasses and has a job in computers.

I’ve known him since grade school and his height always bothered him.

Some girls find him attractive, but he was never a ladies man.

When he did get a girlfriend the relationship never lasted very long.

Usually, because he did a lot of things to lose attraction such as being insecure about his height and acting needy.

Finally he was sick of this and asked me for help.

I was usually in long term relationships and when a break up would happen it didn’t take me long to find a new girlfriend.

He wanted to know how to approach women and what he could do to keep a girl once they became a couple.

A lot of what I told him i’m about to tell you on this page.

And you can get even more information on how to win over women with this Free PDF here.

What attracts women to men?

Read on to find out how to get her attracted to you like a magnet.


what attracts women to men


Things That Attract Women To Men

Women are attracted to different things than men.

For us guys we just need to see her ass in a nice pair of jeans and we are turned on.

It really doesn’t take much…

Especially when you are a teen or twenty something guy.

A stiff wind could get me hard back then ; )

Anyway you get the point.

Below Are Things That Attract Women To Men:

#1. Smelling Good – I’ve heard it over an over again.

“Wow! You smell good, what are you wearing?”

Cologne is a powerful tool in attracting women.

Don’t use too much just enough to smell good.

You can learn more in the video below:


#2. Personal Hygiene – Always make sure you have fresh breath.

As well as grooming yourself to look your best.

You never know when you’ll meet a woman you want to talk to and ask out.

Even when I go to a grocery store I make sure I groomed and ready.

Personal hygiene include shaving your pubs and balls.

I’ve found most women like a guy that is shaved down there especially if she enjoys giving you Bjs.


#3. Physically Fit – If you have man boobs and a beer belly. You’re justing making it harder on yourself to attract a women into your life.

Invest in yourself by exercising at least 3 days a week.

And stay off or at least cut back on the junk food.

Look for a balance of a diet that you can stick with that keeps you in shape.

Protein shakes and weight loss pills can help boost your metabolism so you can burn off belly fat faster.

Most women like a guy with a tone body, nice arms, and pecs.

Too much muscle is usually not the look women go for.

Once you look good you’ll feel good too.


#4. Be The Leader – Women want you to be the leader. Guys that don’t take the lead end up getting cheated on or dumped because women see them as weak.

Which is never attractive to women.

If she asks your opinion on something give your opinion.

Don’t just like what she likes.

In fact, teasing her about it in a playful way is also attractive to women.

Women like men to have a plan and especially if it’s regarding a date.


#5. Eye Contact – Looking into her eyes builds attraction. Hold eye contact for 3 or 4 seconds then look away.

Learn A Secret Flirting Technique in the video below:

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How To Attract A Woman Sexually

Now we move on from the attraction phase to the last stage which is sexual.

Did you know that women decide if they will have sex with you in the first 10 seconds of meeting you?

That’s why you need to know how to attract her if you want to be more than just friends because what you say or do can kill her decision to have sex with you fast.

Now that you have some ideas on what attracts women to men.

Below Are Tips On How To Attract Her Sexually:


  • Flirt With Her– When you first meet a girl playful flirting can go a long way. Although don’t overdo it because it can have the opposite effect.
  • Make Her Feel Desire – Women love to feel wanted. This is even more true when she is sexually attracted to you. Make it clear that you want her sexually.
  • Touching – When you first meet a hug or handshake is appropriate. Make sure to look into her eyes as you shake hands. And give her a compliment.
  • Build Sexual Tension– Escalate with more touching. Continue flirting and kissing. If she wants sex right away make her wait… just a little longer. I like her to be so wet for me she can’t wait to feel me inside her.


what attracts women to men


How To Avoid The Friend Zone With Women

What attracts women to men is all about staying out of the friend zone.

A dreaded friend zone is a place you might find yourself if you don’t let her know how you feel about her.

I remember having the hots for a girl in school so bad that every time she got near me I didn’t know what to say.

My mind would just go blank.

It was awful, she was always nice to me and I had a feeling she liked me too.

However, it just turned into a friendship.

I ran into her a few years later and we caught up over drinks.

She told me that she always had a crush on me.

“REALLY? I said…”

When she found out I felt the same way about her we started to laugh.

Then we decided to make up for lost time.

It was so awesome!

Anyway I learned a valuable lesson.

Always let her know if you are attracted to her.

She just might feel the same way about you.

What attracts women to men is being direct and leaving no guessing when it comes to how she makes you feel.

Below Are Some Tips To Stay Out Of The Friend Zone:

#1. Don’t Be The Nice Guy – It’s ok to be nice, but if you are just being nice in hopes that one day she will see that you are the guy for her.

That rarely works and is a complete waste of time.

Wouldn’t you rather be her man instead of hoping to one day?


#2. Let It Be Known That Other Women Want You – If other women find you attractive this will work to your advantage. Let her know that you have options in the dating world.

Not by telling her, by showing her.


#3. Ask Her Out – One of the fastest ways to end the friend zone is to ask her out. Now you will know immediately if she wants you as more than a friend.

If she says no, accept it and move on.

At that point, you may want to abandon even a friendship because seeing her with another guy could be too much to handle.


#4. Flirt – Have you flirted with your crush? A good way to gauge if she is interested in more than friends is to flirt with her.

If she’s not interested you’ll know pretty fast.

On the other hand if she is you’ll know fast too.


what attracts women to men



Now you know what attracts women to men.

It’s really not that complicated, but can take some time to learn.

Women enjoy sex just as much as men the main differences is what to do in order for you to get her to feel attraction for you.

Make sure to keep fit, groom, and practice eye contact that is flirtatious.

And learn to be direct if you want to stay out of the friend zone.

What attracts women to men is different than what attracts men to women.

However now you know some steps to take to get her to want you.

As well as the Free PDF that will help you get an advantage over other men.

I hope you enjoyed this article on what attracts women to men.

If you did, please share it and make sure to check out my other articles below:




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