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Is she cheating on you?

Now you can know how to tell if she slept with someone else.

How to tell if she slept with someone else is not hard to discover if you know what to look for.

Obviously getting cheated on sucks, but what is worse is not knowing it’s happening.

When you’re in the relationship and you think everything is fine and find out she’s getting it on with another guy.

That can shake up even the most powerful men.

So if you have a suspicion she’s having fun with another guy.

Look for the 10 signs on this page and let us know how many you tally up.

how to tell if she slept with someone else

Top Ten Signs She’s Sleeping With Someone Else

As they say once a cheater always a cheater.

If you discover that a lot of these signs fit your situation.

It’s not 100% guaranteed she is being unfaithful.

Although it’s a good indication that something is going on.

And should be confronted before any more time is wasted.

You can discover more on relationship advice here.

Now Learn How To Tell If She Slept With Someone Else Below:

#1. Sex Is Decreasing Or STOPPED

It’s not common that you will have sex like you did when you first met.

READ: How To Fix A Sexless Relationship

However if she is always making an excuse or simply avoiding sex.

There is your first sign that she could be sleeping with someone else.

I’m too tired or not in the mood is reasonable here and there.

Although if that’s all you are hearing and you can’t remember the last time you had sex.

Something is definitely UP and not in a good way.

how to tell if she slept with someone else

#2. You Spot Her On A Dating App

This is a definite RED FLAG and one that would make most guys extremely angry.

If this happens take a screen shot as proof.

Then ask her a question to find out if she is going to be honest or lie.

If she lies to you at least you have proof.

Showing her the proof could be enough to make her honest about it.

Whatever you do stay calm and if you can’t stay away from her.

It might just be best to talk over the phone.

#3. She Stopped Making Plans With You

“Hey babe I can’t make it tonight”

Sound Familiar?

If this happens frequently you shouldn’t take her word for it.

Once and a while is ok, but if this is becoming a trend.

It’s time to look into this futher.

This is usually something that happens out of the blue.

The excuses become redundant or odd.

And now you have every right to wonder what’s she’s doing and with whom.

#4. She Gets Secretive Around Her Phone or Computer

Usually she would text or talk on the phone around you.

Now it’s a secret!


Well obviously she doesn’t want to know who it is she is talking to or texting.

This is another way to check on how to tell if she slept with someone else.

She may even seem jumpy or anxious at this time.

#5. She Argues With You For No Reason

If you usually get along great and suddenly everything seems to turn into an arguement.

That’s a bad sign.

She could be looking for an out so she doesn’t have to confront you about her cheating.

This may be her way of wanting you to dump her so she can move on with the new guy.

#6. She Suddenly Focuses More On Her Appearance

The two of you used to eat out often or cook together.

Maybe you had so much fun together that you even skipped the gym.

Over time you both gain some weight.

And don’t put in the effort to dress up when you see each other.

Suddenly she’s on a diet and buying new clothes.

Purchasing new perfume and worried about her hair.


This could be another way on how to tell is she slept with someone else.

You can ask her directly why all of the changes.

Pay close attention to what she tells you.

#7. She Ignores YOU

She used to make you feel special.

Now she simply isn’t around and when she is it’s not the same.

Does she make you feel alone when you’re together?

Unfortunately this is another way on how to tell is she slept with someone else.

#8. Delays In Communication

She used to call or text you right back when you left a message.


Not so much.

This could mean she is spending her time without someone else.

And getting back to you when the other guy isn’t around.

If she hasn’t taken up a new hobby or something like that.

This is another sign that she may be cheating on you.


Did she tell you about an old friend that recently popped back into her life?

Now she says they need to catch up.

So you might not see her as much for a while.

This should clue you in on another way to spot how to tell if she slept with someone else.

#10. She receives GIFTS

Last but certainly not least on this list of how to tell if she slept with someone else.

You notice strange gifts like flowers, stuffed animals, jewelry, and even lingerie.

And when you ask her where it came from she gets annoyed, upset, or blushes.

If she is suddenly receiving gifts this could be another sign she is sleeping with someone else.

how to tell if she slept with someone else

How To Catch A Cheater

If you remember the show above about Cheaters it was always entertaining to watch as long as you aren’t the one it’s happening to.

So you think you are being cheated on?

Below Are Ways To Catch A Cheater:

#1. Hire A Private Investigator

#2. Secret Camera – You can purchase equipment to catch her.

#3. Check Her Phone Locations – Where has she been?

#4. Go Through The Trash- Check messages both on the cell phone and computer trash.

#5. Download Cheating Apps– There are cheating apps for iOS and Android.

Today there are a lot of ways to catch her cheating if you really aren’t 100% sure she is yet.

With that being said you may want to prepare yourself for what you might find out.

What will you do if you find out she cheated on you?

It’s good to be prepared ahead of time.

If you live together you have the advantage of moving out or moving her out of our place.

Think about it so you can at least be ready if you find out she cheated.

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Now you know how to tell is she slept with someone else.

How many of the cheating signs do you have?

Cheating is hurtful and selfish.

The best thing to do is not to cheat.

Although if you find out she was unfaithful.

In most cases it’s just better to end the relationship for good because once the trust is gone it extremely difficult to get it back.

With that being said the ultimate decision is yours.

If you found this article to be helpful please share it and make sure to check out my other posts like this one on how to tell if she slept with someone else below:


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