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Best Way To Attract My Ex Girlfriend Back After Breakup

Best way to attract my ex girlfriend back after breakup was my number one priority after she decided to end it.

Feeling absolutely CRUSHED inside with rushing thoughts.

I was desperate to have her back in my life again.

Is that how you are feeling right now?

Then read on to learn Best Way To Attract My Ex Girlfriend Back After Breakup.

What I learned after reading many books and online coaching was the following:

Let me explain…

If you were to look back on your relationship you probably now remember signs that she was losing interest in you.

Did Your Ex Ever Do Any Of The Following?

These were all signs she was losing attraction for you.

And like me you probably didn’t pay too much attention to them.

Now you find yourself back to being single with heartache.

I remember saying to myself If I could only start over I know how to prevent this from happing ever again.

READ: How to get your ex back when she has moved on

You can learn powerful actionable tips to get your ex back fast.

Read all the way to the end to find out how to get started right now.

Then promise you will use these tips immdiately.

So you can get back with the one you love.

Best Way To Attract My Ex Girlfriend Back After Breakup

Five Ways To Get Ex Girlfriend Back After Getting Dumped

No matter how long it’s been or what you might have done to mess things up.

Below are five ways to work towards getting your ex back:

#1. No Contact

One of the hardest things to do after a break up is to cut off all communication.

Although at this point you have to do it in order to get her back.

Trying to talk to your ex when you are feeling desperate and alone is not going to attract her back to you.

In fact it will turn her off and make everything much worse.

So at all cost cut off all communication with her starting right now.

That means no texting and no calling her either.

How long should you cut off communication with her?

30 days is usually enough time to reset so you can establish communication.

#2. Change Your Mindset

One of the reasons for no contact is so that you can change your mindset and give each other some much-needed space.

You need to stop being the weak insecure desperate guy that you are right now.

So you can be confident like you were when you initially attracted her in the first place.

Below are some tips to keep you on track when you do meet with your ex for the first time:

#1. Avoid talking about the past

#2. Flirt and have fun

#3. Don’t be needy – (I.E. asking her if she’s dating someone)

#4. Avoid deep conversations about getting back together

I know the first thing you want to do is talk about your feelings and how much you love her and want her back.

I stress that you need to stop yourself from doing this at all cost.

It will only push her away.

And you may never get another chance to meet her again.

Remember you have done something to ruin your attraction with her and now you need to do things that are attractive.

That means you keep things light and fun.

And show her the new you.

Maybe you have a new hobby.

A new outlook on life.

Although it’s needs to be genuine because if you are bullshitting her.

She will know it right away and this will turn her off.

#3. Have Break Up Sex

One powerful way to get your ex back is to have sex with you one last time.

She may be reluctant at first but in the back of her mind, she may want to do the same thing with you.

Don’t be needy or demanding when you approach her.

Just keep things light and flirty.

Smile and she may agree to have sex with you.

This can bring back a flood of emotions that reignite sparks between you and your ex.

#4. Date Other Women

When I was told I needed to date other women in order to get back with my ex.

I said that’s crazy why would I want to do that?

It seems counterintuitive but it keeps you from focusing on your Ex.

And it gives you confidence that you have other girls you can date in the meantime.

You may even discover a new woman that you like better than you Ex.

#5. Work On You

One of the first things I did after the break up was to you get back into a regular exercise routine.

When you’re in a relationship you spend a lot of time together and you become less fit and attractive.

It’s common to let yourself go when you’re in a relationship because you feel comfortable.

Now you can lose that extra weight get back those muscle gains.

Your Ex will find your new body attractive and it will improve your confidence at the same time.

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Five Ways To Turn On A Woman

Now that you no best ways to attract my ex-girlfriend back after break up.

You can learn how to turn her on with these five tips below:

#1. Cuddle Her

When you are on the couch together or bed watching a movie this is a great way to connect with her and make her feel special.

#2. Touch Her Leg In Public

One way to touch her leg in public is under the table.

This could be something intimate between the two of you that no one else around you knows about.

You can just put your hand on her leg or rub it in for a little while at dinner.

#3. Make Eye Contact

Locking eyes with her across the room or at a party let her know she is important to you.

#4. Dance

I’ve never met a woman that didn’t like you dance.

In fact girls love to dance and they love guys that want to dance with them.

So take her dancing or learn some dance moves together.

#5. Pay Attention To Her

You can turn her on by putting your full attention on her.

Which means putting away your cell phone and anything else that distracts you from focusing on her.

best way to attract my ex girlfriend back after breakup


Now you know several of the best way to attract my ex girlfriend back after breakup.

Probably the most difficult part of this will be no contact.

Especially in the first few weeks.

You will be dying to text or call her.

That’s why you need to keep busy.

Work on yourself and go back to becoming the guy that attracted your ex when you first met.

Learn from your mistakes.

You have this time to make improvements in all areas of your life.

Don’t bother asking your Ex what turned her off.

She most likely won’t tell you.

If your ex calls or contacts you don’t get into long conversations.

And don’t jump at the chance to meet her.

Just say it’s great to hear from her and that it would be great to get together sometime.

You can learn a lot by how she responds to this.

Best way to attract my ex girlfriend back after breakup can be difficult.

That is why you might decide to just start a new relationship.

Some guys realize it’s just better to have a clean slate with a new girl.

It’s up to you …

Whatever you decide you now know best way to attract my ex girlfriend back after breakup.

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