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How to react if she cheats… here’s real advice for men.

I’ve been cheated on in the past and it’s one of the worst feelings in the world.

How to react if she cheats can’t be predicted because when it happens you are likely to either be in shock, extremely angry or so floored you don’t know what to do next.

So let’s be honest about this …

… Ask yourself did you suspect she was cheating?

There are usually signs that women give to make it clear she is cheating on you.

I can still remember the day I found out my girlfriend of two years at the time was cheating on me.

She asked me to get her car keys out of her purse and when I opened it there was a stack of condoms in it.

At least the bitch was having safe sex, right?

Anyway, I just stood there looking at it in disbelief and as soon as I came to confront her about it she already knew what I had found because the look on her face was like… oh I fucked up!

I asked why she had condoms since we didn’t use them it wasn’t for us.

She started making excuses like there, not for me, it’s for a friend and a bunch of other B.S.

After the shock started to wear off I started to feel sick to my stomach and so angry I wanted to find the guy she was fucking and beat his ass.

My ex and I got into a loud shouting match that lasted about 45 minutes and I got my stuff and slammed the door shut on her.

Then drove to a friend’s house to tell him what happened.

He was a few years older than me and was sorta a big brother from another mother that always had good advice to share.

My friend Jim always had beautiful women he was either dating or just hooking up with for fun.

Anyway, the anger was wearing off a bit and now I was starting to feel grief.

Jim and I had a beer and I told him what happened.

He just said I knew that bitch would cheat on you someday.

I asked why do you say that?

Jim says look she’s a beautiful woman with a hot body and she flirts with guys all the time.

You’re both young and teenage relationships never last forever.

How to react if she cheats is going to give you the upper hand if you act on the following tips I’m about to give you.

Ok, I’m listening…


how to react if she cheats


Tips On What To Do If She Cheats On You


Now that you know she has been unfaithful you will not be in a good place mentally.

Below Are Some Tips On What To Do Next:


#1. Get Away From Her

Even if you live together you need to get away from her.

You will not be in a good head space after finding out she cheated on you.

Just avoid her at all costs it will be best for you and her.

This also gives you time to think about a new life without her in it.



#2. It’s Over… Now What?

How to react if she cheats means that you may still want the relationship to continue.


Unless she’s a wife that you share children with there is really no reason to try and work things out.

It’s over, I know you still love her and maybe always will, but you have to move on.

Now you need to get ready to live single again.



#3. She Keeps Contacting Me… What Should I Do?

After she cheats you have all the power.

She may try and seduce you, beg you, and even plead with you to give her another chance.

Don’t Do It!

When you’re ready to contact her it will only be to get your belongings and make a clean break.



#4. Give Yourself Time To Get Over It

A lot of guys will tell you to just move on and start dating other women immediately.

That’s actually not the best thing to do after she cheats on you.

How to react if she cheats will require you to take time away from the dating world because you don’t want to bring any baggage into another relationship.

And just hooking up for the sake of hooking up can actually make you feel worse after being cheated on.



#5. Focus On You… Not Her!

How to react if she cheats will usually be you thinking about her all the time and what went wrong.

What could you have done differently?

Why did she cheat on me?

Those are some of the questions you might have running through your head.

Instead of thinking about that nonsense.

Just know that you can always do better than a cheater.

Now it’s time for you to do the things you stopped doing because you were in a relationship with her.

Do things you enjoy or find a hobby you can find a list of hobbies here.



how to react if she cheats




Now that you know how to react if she cheats.

Make sure you avoid more arguments with her and as much as you’d like to beat up the guy she’s fucking.

She’s not worth it and you’ll be getting yourself in more trouble than she’s worth.

Getting cheating on is a horrible event that is more common than you might think.

It’s important to avoid her, that means not communicating with her either.

Delete her number once it’s officially over and move on with your life.

That’s how to react if she cheats.

Later on, when you are ready you can go back and find a new woman.

Thanks for reading if you’d like to read more articles like this one.

Check out my other articles below and please share this with a friend or family member that needs advice on how to react if she cheats.


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