What Are The Bases In Dating?

Have you ever been curious about what are the bases in dating?
I remember being asked after a date if I made it to third base.
I was like what’s the third base?
You don’t know what that is?
No what is it?
After my buddy got a good laugh from this.
He told me what it meant.
So if you are also wondering what are the bases in dating.
Continue reading to find out if you’re on first, second. third, or fourth base.
You’ll know when you finished reading this article.

What Does Bases Mean In Dating?
The termbase is from baseball terminology.
And is a metaphor referred to how far you got on the date leading to sex.
The bases are significant because first base is much different than third.
And third is much different than fourth.
Although you may have already been through all these bases.
The next time someone asked you if you made it to a certain base.
You will now know what base you made it to you.
First Base
If you’ve had a good date you just might make it to first base.
The first base is kissing French kissing.
And it also may involve kissing on the neck.
It’s very pleasurable and if it goes on long enough it will create sparks between you two.
And it just may lead you to second base.
Second Base
You’re still kissing and the kissing is becoming more passionate.
Everything from feeling each other to kissing is now much more intense.
Now you are touching and rubbing her breasts feeling her nipples.
And she is enjoying the feel of your hands on her body.
Imagine you’re holding your date in your arms.
And you are feeling her butt and she is feeling yours too.
She can feel that you’re wanting her more and more as you kiss.
During this phase, touching and kissing become more intense.
And you might be experiencing how hot you are for her.
As she can most likely feel how hard she is making you by now.

Third Base
Third-base usually doesn’t happen on the first date.
Although it definitely can.
When you asked like I was did you get to Third Base?
That means did you have oral sex.
This would include blow jobs and other touching and playing of the vagina, penis, testicles and so on.
Although this is a lot more intimate than the first or second base.
There is still no penetration happening at Third Base.
When you get to third base you are in a serious moment were you focus on each other and nothing else around you is noticeable.
Fourth Base
A lot of times fourth base is also called a home run.
That’s because this is the final base.
And if you made it to fourth base you’ve gone all the way which means you’ve had intercourse.
This is the moment when you have sex.
You have made it through the first, second, and third bases.
Now as they say it’s a home run!
Dating Metaphors Using Baseball Terminology
So now you know what are the bases in dating.
There are other baseball metaphors that you probably need to know.
Because they will most likely be asked at one point in your life.
The first one is the term you might hear the most.
If you are asked if you had a home run.
Strike Out
This means that you were unsuccessful.
And that means you didn’t get any bases not even first.
So if you had a bad date and you didn’t even kiss you would say you had a strikeout.
A strikeout doesn’t necessarily mean you had a bad date.
It just might not of been the right time.
Switch Hitter
This means a person bisexual.
Playing For The Other Team
If you’ve heard this before it means they are part of the LGBTQ community.
And the person is gay or lesbian.
Playing Both Teams
This also is a reference to a bisexual person.
This means the person is gay a man that receives anal sex.
This term means that a person is a man that does anal sex.

How To Get To A Homerun
If your goal is to get a home run then there are certain steps you need to take.
A home run can happen naturally or it may take a strategy to get there.
When you know your goal you can get to each base much easier.
There are several things to look for on a first date to find out if you’re ready for first base.
Below are five ways to tell if you should move to first base:
- You can’t keep your eyes off each other
- She moves her body closer to you
- She touches you on the shoulder hand or arm
- She smiles at you when talking
- She mirrors your body language
If you notice the signs it’s a good chance that you should move to first base.
Now you know what are the bases in dating.
Each base leads to sex.
And just as guys know about the dating terms here.
The women do too.
This terminology is nothing new.
It’s been around for decades.
Although it’s still common to hear these baseball dating terms today.
If you want to learn more about moving from first base to home run.
This is the course I recommend that works like magic.
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Please share this article with them.
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