How to get a hot girlfriend is not as difficult as you may think.
In fact, it’s almost easier than getting an average-looking woman.
It’s true in this article learn how to get a hot girlfriend.
And find out what it takes to keep her once you have her.
I used to be a male stripper and dated female strippers during that time.
They were all 8s,9s, and the occasional 10.
That’s not to brag it’s just to let you in on my past and that I understand what it takes to get a hot girlfriend.
Hot women are everywhere and so are average women.
The main difference is that many men freeze up when approaching a hot girl or just avoid them thinking they wouldn’t stand a chance.
It takes a lot of courage for some men to just say “Fuck It” and go for the woman they really want.
Instead, many guys just go for any woman that will have them.
And with that being said that’s the first barrier you have to overcome if you want a woman that is hot.
That barrier is you.
You have to believe in yourself and be a high-value man that hot women want in their lives.
If you doubt yourself so will she… she’ll feel it and it will be a major turn-off for her.
The reason hot girls can be easier to get than average-looking women is that they find that some men are just too intimidated to approach them.
A hot girl I was dating said one guy she thought was cute approached her but kept looking down at his feet when he asked her out and acted really shy.
She didn’t like that… at all.
Another guy did the opposite and was too full of himself and she could tell all he wanted to do was fuck her.
Another turn-off… but not always.
So, what does it take to finally get a woman you can be proud to show off that makes other guys envious?
That’s what we’ll get into next, read on.
How To Get a Hot Girlfriend Tips
Obviously, Hot Girls get hit on often and are never in lack of options.
They know men want them and they know most men will not be worth their time.
Well, at least that’s somewhat true…
… let me explain before giving you some tips to land your hottie.
What I learned about dating hot women is that they are no different in a lot of ways from regular women.
They just require three simple things:
#1. Confidence
#2. Ability To Challenge Her (Pass The Bitch Test)
#3. Won’t Back Down To Her Every Whim
You see you don’t have to be the 10 in looks to land 10 looks.
Have you ever seen a guy that was average to ugly in appearance walking down the street holding hands with a woman that was just way too hot to actually be his?
I have and before I dated any woman that would be close to a 10 I’d wonder how the hell did he get her.
Then I found out, these guys have confidence, charm, and were ready to leave her at any time.
Meaning they were never in lack and also didn’t care what she thought.
They never tried to please her or act differently around her than they would if she wasn’t there.
These guys are usually players or pick-up artists that understand women enough to get them whenever they want.
So with that being said here are some tips to get a ten:
- Develop a Quick Attention Grabber (Hot Women Will Give You 10 Seconds If You’re Lucky)
- Be Interesting Have Light Conversations That Keeps Her Interest
- Make Her Smile & Laugh
- Don’t Compliment Her Looks ( She Already Knows She’s Hot )
- Get an “Insta Date” Just Get Drinks or Something Fast To Get To Know Her Better
- Approach Within 5 Seconds ( If You Wait Longer Than That You Might Talk Yourself Out of It)
- Wear Clean Comfortable Clothing And Cologne That Women Love
I’ve found that you need to get a date with her right away if possible because it can put a good lasting impression on her mind.
And there’s no way for her to back out or get picked up by another guy when’s she’s already with you.
Make the first date short don’t try to make a whole day of it.
You’ll thank me later.

Where To Find Hot Women
So now that you have a few tips and your courage is up.
Where can you find hot women?
That’s the easy part!
1) Get into the habit of saying hello to everyone hot girl you see, especially one on one. You never know who will become your future girlfriend.
2) Smile at every hot girl that passes by. It might seem like a small gesture, but it can make her day brighter and could gain you some points with her.
3) Introduce yourself to new people in your class or office building because it’s always great to meet new people and building friendships is the first step towards finding love.
4) Take note of what’s happening around you so that, when someone asks for your opinion, you have something to say other than just “I dunno.” This also shows that you are an engaged listener.
Below Are My Favorite Places To Meet Hot Women:
- Happy Hour
- Malls
- Casinos
- Coffee Shops
- Grocery Stores
Notice I didn’t list clubs, bars, or gyms.
Those are actually some of the worst places to meet quality hot women.
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How To Keep a Hot Girlfriend Interested In You
Now that you have the woman of your dreams it can feel a bit overwhelming.
It’s like Now What?
All you need to do is continue to be interesting, fun, and playful.
Don’t take shit from her and give it back to her when she acts out on you.
The more you pass her shit tests the less often they will occur.
And Don’t act jealous when she gets hit on because it will happen often.
The 9 I dated had eyes on her everywhere we went and it seemed like any time I left her to do something nearby a guy was right there to try and take her from me.
Some of the guys were richer and better looking too and that can make any guy feel insecure, but I never acted needy or jealous I just let it happen within reason.
Of course, if another guy is disrespecting you outright you need to take care of that immediately.
To keep her interested you need to have a life outside of your relationship with her.
Always focus on your goals to be a better man and don’t let yourself get complacent now because you have beautiful women in your life.

What Hot Girls Find Attractive In Men
Typically the most beautiful women are considered 8s,9s, and 10s.
They have a few things in common and one of them is what attracts them to guys.
For the most part, they want a guy that earns a good living 6 or 7 figure income.
Looks don’t matter as much but they prefer he be in shape with six-pack abs.
And at least 6 inches in the pants.
As well as good in bed no one pump chumps for her.
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And the taller you are the better.
Hot women are normally attracted to men that are six feet tall or taller.
If you are a shorter guy you can get lifts or she may overlook it as long as you have money and are in good shape.
She loves you to be confident, be living a successful life, and be able to give her the finer things in life.
Overall it can be a lot of effort if you are new to dating hot women but you’ll get used to it : )
How to get a hot girlfriend is definitely more work and effort than getting an average girl.
Only because once you have her it’s easy to lose her if you become complacent.
Women come and go so it’s really not a big deal to me but if you really want to go to the next level and score with hot girls.
You need to earn a six-figure or more income annually, be in good physical shape, and be good in bed.
Even if you are an average-looking guy you can still get a hot girlfriend.
I’ve seen guys that were ugly that could get hot women and usually, it’s because of their overconfidence in themselves and they either have a large bankroll or they’re hung.
The best places to find beautiful women that you can meet are in grocery stores, coffee shops, and happy hour.
It’s easier to approach them in these venues and they are more likely to go on an instant date with you too.
If you need to work on yourself before going after hot women start today.
Get in shape, get your finances in order, and learn how to become a great lover.
You can even just have two of the three and do pretty well with hot women.
Thanks for reading if you’d like to check out my other articles you can find them here.
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